Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Boys Don't Cry...

Dating. The mere mention of the word causes a physical reaction in some people, and I have often wondered why. Is it because you are putting yourself out there, revealing yourself (at least somewhat) to a person that you barely know? Or is it that feeling that maybe this one will be THE ONE? Maybe a lot of us are scared of dating because it is a risk. Think about it... you go out with a person who in most cases you barely know, and you try to get to know them better. If you are anything like I am, you don't just jump into bed with them (well most of the time). You tell them about yourself, ask them about themselves, and hope that they don't bore you to death, and that you don't annoy the hell out of them. Sometimes you get lucky and find that person that fits the bill, but in most cases, dating just sucks.

Needless to say, my date earlier did not go as perfect as one might have hoped. True, Ryan is gorgeous, intelligent, and pre-med, and will make somebody very happy one day. Unfortunately, that person is not me, because you see, there is one tiny problem... Ryan is also the most boring conversationalist that i have ever come across. Now I realize that a lot of this has to do with me. I really have no interest in medicine the way he does, and I am not sure I even know what the hell lacross is, but those were the main things he wanted to talk about. He isnt THE ONE, which I really already knew, partially because he is only 19 years old (I know, don't even say it!), and also because I deserve to be with somebody that wants me for me, that can appreciate the great qualities that i am sure i have somewhere.

And just in case anyone is wondering, no I didn't come home and drown myself in terribly bad for me food, I just came home and relaxed, listened to music, and read some. I'm fine that the date didnt work out, and it doesnt mean I am going to quit trying. Life is great right now, and I don't NEED somebody, but sometimes, it would be nice to have somebody. So to those lucky enough to be in love with somebody that loves them back, cherish it, because it doesnt happen everyday, and I should know.

Now I am off to finish my book and fall asleep.


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