Friday, January 16, 2009

Change (Will Do You Good)

I must be insane, but I woke up at 430 this morning, then went to the gym. Actually it was cool, set my tone for the rest of the day and totally got me in a good mood. Then I went to Starbucks, where the guy that has been waiting on me all the time for the past 2 years told me I was looking good. Talk about an ego boost!!! it helps that the guy was totally hot.

Work is going good, although sometimes I seriously need a break. I was bombared with emails all morning. But the cool thing is since they all go to my phone, I was able to work while shopping at the mall. Speaking of shopping, I got some kick ass DKNY t shirts and jeans today, at 70% OFF!!! What surprised me though, was that the original retail on the jeans was 145.00... that just astounds me that clothes are getting to cost so much. All in all though it was a good morning.

I also went to the doctor to get my blood test results, an I got a clean bill of health, so that is definitely a plus.

As far as weekend plans go, I dont really have any. I have a project that I need to work on for work this weekend, but I think that tonight I might go out dancing. Even if I cant find anyone to go with, that's okay. I just feel the need to go out and socialize and of course dance my ass off! Strange that I am even considering going out by myself, when months ago I always had to have somebody with me. Well, it just goes to show how much people change. And that, is DEFINITELY a good thing!


  1. You are insane... 430??? By the way, you are looking really great! Thanks for inviting me to see your blog, I know you dont tell many about it, and dont worry I wont share!

    xoxo- Chloe

  2. I love to dance myself. When my renters leave your coming to town and we are going to boggie the night away. There is a new dance club by my house. You can burn alot of calories by dancing all night long.

