Thursday, January 29, 2009


(Trust me this picture has a point... just follow me here LOL) Or if you are impatient, go to the 3rd paragraph!

If you have been to my blog before, then you will notice that it probably looks a little different. There are a couple of reasons why. Before it was REALLY dark and depressing, and honestly I don't want to be surrounded by that. I want my blog to be light and happy, well to a point at least. So, that is why the colors are different. I also wanted to put more stuff about me up, so now my profile is actually filled out. It's kinda funny, but since losing weight, I don't feel the need to hide as much anymore, and I find myself doing things that I never thought I would do before.

I've met this guy recently, and I am surprised at how I am behaving around him. It's like the old me isnt even there anymore, and I have been replaced by the new Improved version of ME... a me that is confident, goes after what he wants, and isnt afraid to be himself. Now old me is still trying to get used to new me, but so far it is a good thing. And I really hope that last paragraph made sense to somebody else, cause it worked in my head LOL

I guess my point is that Life is for living. A life lived in fear is a life half lived, and how many of us have spent so much of our lives living in fear of some sort. I'm not talking about fear of the dark or snakes or whatever, but fear of stepping beyond our comfort zone? Fear of being who we always thought we were born to be? I recently heard a comment in an article from the singer Taylor Swift. She said something along the lines of "Being fearless doesn't mean that you arent' afraid... it means that you are afraid but yet you do it anyway." That's something that I have thought a lot about lately. Was I scared to strike up a conversation with this guy? yeah, I was, but I did it anyway. Don't you think at least ONE of the guys in that picture above were scared to be doing that? But yet they got past the fear and did it. That, my friends is being Fearless.

I actually didnt intend this post to be more than me babbling about how I went to bed at 9pm and couldnt sleep so woke up at 12:30am LOL But sometimes, I guess things need to be said, and so for tonight, this is what I had to say... Be Fearless, and live life, don't let it live you


1 comment:

  1. Good job, Jakes - much better! Love the color scheme and overall look of your blog now; much lighter and cheerful. And congrats on your WLS journey so far - good for you! A big part of it is mental. It's hard to stop feeling like a big person - at least it has been for me, but you're right. Folks tell me all the time how different I am now - more upbeat and happy and energetic. Good wishes for a continuing successful journey!
