Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Question of Lust

So remember the other day I talked about the hot Starbucks guy totally hitting on me? Well this morning as I was getting my Sugar Free Nonfat Iced caramel machiatto with no caramel or whipped cream, he asked me out! So, in about 30 minutes I will be heading out to the movies, and we will see how it goes. I spent a half hour trying on clothes, trying to find the perfect outfit... and then settled on jeans and a t shirt LOL

Well yesterday I hung out with some friends in another city, which was very cool. Have you ever hung out with people and you are talking and the next thing you know, several hours have passed? well that's how it was last night for me. By the time I left it was after midnight, and I had a 75 minute drive ahead of me. But I made it home safe and sound and fell asleep early for me, before 3am :D I would do it all again in a heartbeat though, because they are a very cool couple that are both a lot like me, in different ways.

And in response to an email I got from my friend Chloe, the titles of my blogs are not random... they are all song titles that somehow apply. For example, today's title is a depeche mode song that my friend Audrey loves and I happened to have on my mp3 player. Oh yeah, and I rarely use anyones real name, so that if some of my other friends find me here, they wont know who I am talking about... crazy I know, but that's just me ;)

Until later... CJ

1 comment:

  1. O M G I remember how long it took you to get ready before, I really hate to imagine it now! do you still have a bunch of hair? If so, that tacks at least 30 minutes on to it... so call my ass tomorrow and tell me how the date went
