Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The First Cut Is The Deepest

It's a totally random wednesday night for me. I was thinking of going out with some friends, but then they couldnt make up their minds what they were doing, so I stayed home instead. I just felt like having a night where I keep myself company.

So what exciting things did I do tonight? well, I caught up on some work emails, downloaded some music, then proceeded to dance around my house in my underwear while organizing stuff. Oh, and did I mention that they are Armani underwear? yep, I can now buy underwear in xl, so I might as well wear the good stuff! :D Yeah, I know a funny image, but I was in a good mood, so why not?? You know, sometimes being alone is okay. seriously. Speaking of alone, I have decided that while I may be single, I am not alone. I have some really awesome friends that really care about me. Unfortunately I also have some friends that I seriously doubt their loyalty. Maybe it's time to just cut those people out of my life and move on. It's hard though.

So, not going to get down, because I am still in a pretty decent mood. I talked to X earlier today, and even he couldnt ruin my mood. Speaking of him, I seriously think the guy needs to be on some Prozac or something, because he has ISSUES! I think he might have multiple personalities. One minute he is totally ignoring me and blowing me off, then when I dont call him for 3 days he has to call and make sure I am alive. W T F??? I am SO glad I didnt pursue anything permanent with him bceause I have enough issues that I do not need to deal with a guy who has no clue what he wants and has a chronic case of Peter Pan syndrome. And honestly, I dont need a man in my life right now, at least not a permanent commitment. I have friends, and if I dont want to be tied down right now.

Wow, rambling again. Anyways, it is almost 11pm and I am so wide awake, so I think I am going to do something constructive like watch a movie LOL

Until Later


1 comment:

  1. I have a friend just like that. I don't hear from him in days and than all of sudden he calls and wants to know if I am alive. I sure hope I am one of your awesome friends.I would do anything for you. I wish you would come to Phoenix more often. I wish you liked women but my luck you don't. I think we hit it off but as good friends. You are such a great writer and don't compare me to that PR girl. I know my writing sucks big time. But I try. Call me...

