Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Chorus (Fishes in the Sea)

So my weekend basically sucked. I had planned to go to Mexico with my cousin, to visit some family, but of course she flaked out on me, as usual. So I stayed home all weekend and got fairly depressed, just moping around. The good thing is that I spent some time organizing the house, getting rid of some stuff that I just dont need anymore. So now my home is pretty much in order, and that is a good feeling.

Today (Monday) was a much better day. i woke up kind of cranky, but my day improved. I recieved several compliments, that were the total ego boost that my confidence needed. lately people have been telling me that I am cute, even hot, and it's starting to get to me, where I just might believe them. I'm no George Clooney, but honestly I am fairly decent looking now, and the outside is starting to match who I am inside, or at least who I am becoming.

I spent most of the day doing stuff for work, catching up on emails and ironing out details for the party celebrating the launch of our new game. I swear, there are some total idiots that work with me. The newly appointed head of special events in our PR department is a MORON!!!! She emailed me the text for the invitations, and it was a trainwreck. The spelling mistakes were bad enough, but she used the word launch in some form EIGHT times... 8... in a short paragraph. So after I picked up my jaw from the ground, I went on a rampage... then I started laughing hysterically, because seriously I think that a 5 year old could have done better in this case. Oh well, I fixed the text and now it is professional and legible, and won't make our company look like a bunch of asses. As for idiot PR girl? Let's just say she starts her new position of being an assistant again VERY soon!

I talked to my bro today, and he seems to be doing great. Honestly, for a while I was scared that I was going to lose him as well. But he has been clean and sober for almost 2 months, and I hope that this is the time that it sticks for him. I am planning on seeing him next month, when I have to go up to his city for a work assignment.

Tonight I was gonna sit at home and catch up on my DVR, but decided to go out instead. I am actually glad I did. I met this new guy that seems really cool. I may hang out with him again, dunno yet. I'm not gonna stress over it, if he calls and wants to hang out, then cool, I had fun with him and would do it again. If not, then oh well, plenty of fish in the see and all that jazz.

Well it is now after 3am, I just got home, and I seriously need to get some sleep. I took an ambien to assure that i will get more than 3 hours tonight, so lets see what time I finally wake up LOL


1 comment:

  1. Yes, Jakes - it is great getting compliments. I came over to check your blog out after you posted on mine, so I'm assuming that you yourself have had some great weight loss - congratulations! I'm nosy, though - you don't give a lot of info, but that's cool. As far as relationships go, when you least expect it, boom. You're hit. I hope you get your hit soon - everyone deserves good lovin'. Cheers!
