Sunday, January 18, 2009

Owner of a lonely heart

Sometimes, relationships seriously suck. And when I am reminded of how they can be so bad, it makes me happy that I am not in one right now. Case in point, I have a friend, we'll call her C, who is married to this guy named N. These two were a wrong fit from day one. Seriously, she deserves far better than him, and still she totally adores him. He treats her like dirt, doesnt respect her at all, and it's like she is just blind to all of this.

So, tonight she came over and cried on my shoulder for a while basically bitching about how he isnt working and she is paying all the bills and she wants to leave him. I took all of this with a grain of salt, because i know tomorrow she will change her mind and think she cant live without him again. GRRRR it's frustrating! And WHY do my friends think that I am the God of relationship advice? Hello! Single here... AGAIN... although that is partially by choice. All the good guys are taken it seems. Eh, it's all good...

well it's 2am so i think i should sleep or try to at least. If I cant sleep maybe I will think of something interesting to write. If not, oh well :)



  1. They come to you because they recognize a kindred spirit and a good friend. You don't necessarily have to have good advice - you just have to listen, and obviously, you do that well.

  2. you know, I never thought of it that way. I know that when I have a problem I want somebody who will listen and who gets what I am going through, at least on some level. Thanks for reminding me :)
